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What You Need to Know About Drugs: Methamphetamines
Methamphetamines (say: meth-am-FET-uh-meenz) are stimulants. Stimulants are a type of drug that speed up your brain. They are produced as pills, powders, or chunky crystals called ice.
    The crystal form, nicknamed crystal meth, is a popular drug, especially with young adults and for those who frequently go to dance clubs and parties.
    speed, uppers, meth, crystal meth, chalk, ice, glass, Christmas tree, crank
    Methamphetamines are swallowed, inhaled, smoked, or injected into a vein.
    Swallowed or snorted (also called bumping) methamphetamines give the user an intense high. Injections create a quick but strong, intense high, called a rush or a flash.
    Methamphetamines, like regular amphetamines, also take away appetite. It is a dangerous strategy sometimes used by people trying to lose weight quickly.
    Methamphetamines give someone the ability to stay awake and do continuous activity with less need for sleep. They pump up a person's heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure. They also cause irregular heartbeats, sweating, headaches, blurred vision, dry mouth, hot flashes, and dizziness.
    People who abuse methamphetamines feel high and full of energy. They think the drug will allow their bodies to keep going and going. But methamphetamines are very damaging to the body and brain, especially with repeated use. Long-term use of methamphetamines can cause brain damage that causes problems with memory and body movement, mood swings, and violent behavior.
    When used in larger doses, methamphetamines can cause dangerously high body temperature, confusion, convulsions (uncontrollable jerking body movements), and even death.

04.12 2016    POST VIEWS: